Mexico-Travel-10 best types of tourism in Mexico
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What are the 10 best types of tourism

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What are the 10 best types of tourism in Mexico?

What are the 10 best types of tourism

If you are planning to travel to Mexico or are planning to do so, I invite you to answer the following questions. How would you define yourself as a tourist, are you an ecotourist, adventure tourist, cultural tourist or gastronomic tourist?
If you still don't have the exact answer, read on to learn more about the top 10 types of tourism in Mexico.

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1. Adventure tourism

It is a very broad concept because almost anything can be made into an adventure, even if it is of dubious convenience.

Adventure tourism is practiced by people who - to explore an area - are able to make one journey by car, another by mountain bike, on the back of a mule, the penultimate one on foot and the last one uphill.

Its practitioners move at full speed through zip lines that are several dozen meters above the ground, or climb the Peña de Bernal on the most dangerous route

Some of the most exciting specialties in adventure tourism are rafting, bungee jumping, abseiling, and paragliding.

Many fans of this tourist trend stop to admire the flora and fauna related to ecological tourism or ecotourism.

Mexico has many destinations with excellent opportunities for adventure tourism, including: Barrancas del Cobre (Chihuahua), Agujero de las Golondrinas (San Luis Potosí), Jalcomulco (Veracruz), and Cascada Cola de Caballo (Nuevo León).

Adventure tourism

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2. Sporttourismus

It is carried out by a wide variety of travelers whose main motivation is to practice a sport or to watch a sporting event.

These specialties include sport fishing, marathons and triathlons, motor boating, diving, car racing, cycling, sailing and many other disciplines.

It includes fishermen and divers who go to the Riviera Maya, Los Cabos, or the Riviera Nayarit, drawn to the opportunity to catch a specimen of a specific species or to admire life under certain waters.

This is where those who visit the Laguna de los Siete Colores in Bacalar, Lake Pátzcuaro, Banderas Bay, Mazatlán, Puerto Vallarta, Cancun or Ciudad del Carmen compete to practice motorboat races (motorboat races).

Visitors to a Mexican city on the occasion of the Caribbean Series (for baseball fans) or a big game of the football championship also fall into this category. Sporttourismus

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3. Business tourism

This modality uses business trips or events to promote the attractions of a city among travelers.

For example, if there is a congress on cell phones, toys, cars or other industries in Mexico City and the organizers say that participants can visit the Zócalo, the National Palace, the Chapultepec Forest and Xochimilco in their free time. If it's a world fair for leather goods in León, Guanajuato, leather tanners and shoe makers will see the Temple of Atonement, the Metropolitan Basilica Cathedral and the Arco de la Calzada.

Sometimes the executives who attend these business meetings are so busy that the tourist tours are only used by their companions.

Business tourism

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4. Cultural tourism

It attracts tourists who are motivated to learn about and enjoy the material and spiritual cultural characteristics of certain peoples, societies or their specific facets.

It includes music and dance enthusiasts from pre-Columbian times who visit the festivals and festivals where these cultural manifestations take place, such as the Guelaguetza in Oaxaca or the Parachicos de la Fiesta Grande in Chiapa de Corzo.

This class includes architectural or monumental tourism that attracts people interested in seeing pre-Hispanic buildings, museums, churches, and monuments from an artistic and cultural perspective.

Also those who attend book fairs and literary festivals (like the Guadalajara Book Fair) to meet writers and get them to stamp their autograph on a copy of their latest novel.

A sub-category that can be entered here is tourists who get to know the locations of great films (cinema tourism) or Dan Brown fans who travel to take the same tours to the characters of his famous novels, albeit in a different way. Less hectic.

Funeral tourists can also be considered here, people who travel to visit people's graves because they admire them or because of the beauty of their mausoleums.

The grave of José Alfredo Jiménez - in the Dolores Hidalgo cemetery - is well visited, both for the appreciation the songwriter enjoyed and for the mausoleum shaped like a giant charro hat.

Cultural tourism

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5. Religious tourism

This is one of the oldest tourist currents of mankind since the believers began to make pilgrimages to the Holy Land (Jerusalem and other places) and the Muslims to Mecca.

It is probably the only "compulsory" tourism there is, as Islam prescribes that every Muslim must go to Mecca at least once in their life.

In Mexico, religious tourism is practiced by hundreds of thousands of people traveling on the pilgrimage route that ends at the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Talpa in the magical town of Talpa de Allende in Jalisco.

Likewise, those who travel to make the pilgrimage of the Broken Christ of Aguascalientes or the Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos in the Altos de Jalisco.

This classification also includes people who go to a particular shrine to thank a miraculous saint for the favors received.

 Religious tourism

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6. Gastronomic tourism

This tourist line brings people together who want to experience culinary experiences related to regions, cities and gastronomic specialties.

It's the Chilangos who go to Puebla from time to time to eat in their favorite restaurant, Mole Poblano, or in a different one each time to get to know them all.

There are also craft beer fans out there who can travel from one city to another to discover a new beer.

Highlights include those who roam the coastal towns in search of the tastiest lobster or shrimp, and those who stroll through Mexico's wine-growing regions (the Valle de Guadalupe and others) for on-site tastings.

People who travel for wine and its combinations are also known as oenological tourists.

Gastronomic tourism

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7. Archaeological tourism

For fans of archaeological tourism, Mexico is a paradise. Anyone interested in the Mayan civilization that goes to Chichén Itzá (Yucatán), Palenque (Chiapas) and Tulum (Quintana Roo) must know a few dozen more important occurrences of this pre-Columbian culture on Mexican territory.

Those who are passionate about Zapotec civilization travel to Teotihuacán, Monte Albán, Yagul, San José Mogote, Zaachila, and other archaeological sites.

This stream of tourists spends money on transportation, housing, food, and other services that support many of the families who live near the archaeological sites.

Archaeological tourism

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8. Health tourism

It is the one developed by the people who visit the places with thermal water to relax and tone the body with the warm baths and enjoy other attentions and recreational opportunities.

From places with just hot pools for bathing that they were in the beginning, many of these places have turned into true spas, with expert masseurs aligning the most deviant chakras, temazcales, mud baths to revitalize the skin, aesthetic services and Other specialties for physical, mental, health and physical well-being.

The healing properties of hot springs are due to their high concentration of mineral salts and other compounds that include sulfur, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine and bicarbonates.

Mexico is rich in hot springs due to the intense underground activity. In fact, one of his states is called Aguascalientes for this reason.

Some Mexican hot spring centers are Los Azufres and Agua Blanca (Michoacán); Tequisquiapan (Querétaro); Ixtapan de la Sal and Tolantongo (State of Mexico); La Estacas, Agua Hedionda and Los Manantiales (Morelos) and El Geiser (Hidalgo).

Health tourism

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9. Rural tourism

Many people who live in cities long for the rural life in small towns and villages and flee whenever they can to enjoy the lifestyle, tranquil surroundings, and agricultural and animal products that are grown and grown the old-fashioned way become communities.

Some wise villagers have set up their homes to comfortably accommodate these type of tourists who prefer a direct and easy relationship with their hosts.

Restaurants, shops (mainly handicrafts) and walks have been developed, as well as cultural and folk events, for the pleasure of these visitors who leave cities in search of things they consider closer and more authentic.

Within this stream, countless Mexican cities with fewer than 2000 inhabitants and with minimal infrastructure qualify to provide tourism services.

Rural tourism

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10. Ecological tourism

participate in or work with environmental organizations.

They are almost always individuals for whom a simple room and a simple meal will suffice.

Some typical activities for Mexican ecotourists include the magical town of Mineral de Angangueo in Michoacan to admire millions of monarch butterflies on their annual migration south.

They also enjoy visiting the beaches of the Pacific Coast to see the migration of whales, the release of captive-reared hatchlings, and those who visit the pink flamingo sanctuaries in Yucatan to enjoy the spectacle of the pink-hued rooms of the great numbers of birds.

It is the fastest growing tourism trend in the world amid growing conservation concerns.

Do you think that other tourism categories are missing from this article? We clarify that we did not want to include sex tourists and game hunters (who travel to hunt animals).

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10. Ecological tourism